
Reduce Feed Waste

by | Oct 26, 2020

Food waste can be a major expense in the feed processing industry. Poor storage and grain handling can lead to a range of problems, including contamination, mold, and mildew. There are several ways to reduce feed waste throughout the production process. Use these tips to limit the amount of waste at your facility.

Dry, Secure Commodity Storage

Many problems originate in the commodity storage container. The shed should be durable and insulated from the outdoors to prevent the spread of moisture and bacteria. Inspect the areas around these containers to make sure they are secure. Watch out for holes, leaks, and cracks that could lead to contamination. Keep the container elevated and at the proper incline, so water doesn’t run down towards the shed.

Shield the Hand-Off Point

When transferring the food materials from the shed to the loading mechanism, limit your exposure to the elements. Put up screens or a windbreaker near this point to limit potential losses from the wind. Insulate the feed from rain, snow, airborne contaminants, vents, and other variables when moving it through the supply chain.

Use a First-In First-Out System

When working in the food or beverage industry, do your best to keep your ingredients moving. Reach for the oldest feed inside the container when sending another batch through the feed processing system. When loading in a fresh batch of ingredients, keep it at the back of the shed, so it goes out last.

These are simple, cost-effective ways to minimize food waste. Contact the professionals at Halverson Company to learn more about the feed mill construction process. With a history of over 100 Years in Design Build Construction, our professionals can help your team maximize production.